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Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Rights:
Guiding, Protecting, and Strengthening Our Community

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Where are we now?

We are losing our human rights, property rights and our constitution. Our politicians have surrendered Australia to accept the World Health Organisation – Constitution. We have lost our country!

What happened to our Human Rights, Property Rights and our Commonwealth Constitution?

We are losing more rights every week. We are no longer a Sovereign Country, we are a satellite, a Franchise, under the World Health Organisation, an Agency of the United Nations. Welcome to the New World Order!

What is AHPRA and Why should we be concerned?

Ahpra is a Foreign controlled corporation, working as the World Health Organisation, in 51 Collaborative Centers, across Australia. We have been taken over, from within Australia.

What s the concern for the substitution of the Commonwealth Constitution for the WHO Constitution?

We no longer need a Federal Parliament, as all power and control has been transferred to the WHO and the UN – by Stealth!

What are the Criminal Charges Pending against Daniel Andrews & What does it mean?

We are sending our members a copy of the Criminal Charges Pending against Daniel Andrews, and we are already using this document in 4 States across Australia. This is an incredibly powerful document. It is working, and we want more people to be using this explosive document. We will teach you how!

What are the steps of the Class Action?

Firstly, we will have the letters that will be sent to State and Federal Politicians. Secondly, the corporations will be following. Thirdly, Submission of the Criminal Charges Pending against Premier Dan Andrews, which engages each and every State Premier and Chief Minister, in Australia. These letters will include the ‘ATO Approved – Fee-Schedule’ and the Nuremberg Code in Australia where relevant. The aim of the process is to go to grand jury, where we can receive justice by the people, for the people.

How can we Succeed?

We will succeed if we unite. ‘United we Stand, Divided we Fall’. As a collective we have power. Our aim is to go to Grand Jury, where the people provide the justice.

Click here for the details of the People’s Class action

Join NowPayment Installment

Pay by Bank transfer, the details are:

Account name: EFP CBA Account: BSB: 063 159, ACCT: 1070 7095 and write your name and “EFP Class Action” in the description eg John Smith, Class Action. Please email a copy of your receipt to

We look forward to joining with you and together reclaiming our Human Rights!

Quick answers to common questions

Where can I find the Covid letters to send to my employer?

We have placed all letters and templates here for you to use. Just choose the letter you are and click the ‘Check it out here’ button to download the letter.

TIP: PDF documents may first open in a new window and then you would need to click the download icon in the top right corner.

Go to Letters & Templates

Where can I find the upcoming zoom links?

Here is the link to our Monday evening zooms. Please share and help us get the message out to as many Australia’s possible.

Join Monday Zoom Meeting

We have now replaced the letter template with a wizard builder that will help put the two bank letters together for you as well as all the instructions to help you collect all the documents you need.

TIP: You will need to have your mortgage details on hand including customer number and mortgage number. Just complete the form and the wizard will do the rest.

Launch Bank Letter Wizard

We have now replaced the letter template with a wizard builder that will help put the two bank letters together for you as well as all the instructions to help you collect all the documents you need.

TIP: You will need to have your mortgage details on hand including customer number and mortgage number. Just complete the form and the wizard will do the rest.

Launch Bank Letter Wizard